FAQ About Admission & Registration

It is the number of theoretical and practical hours that a student must fulfill to complete the requirements for granting a bachelor’s degree in a specific specialty in accordance with international and local standards. It is calculated in the semester course system, divided into (16) weeks. If the weight of the credit hours for the course is (3) hours, this means that the student studies this course weekly at (2) theoretical hours, (2) practical hours for practical and technical courses, or (3) theoretical hours for theoretical courses, for a period of (16) weeks per semester.

It is the total number of courses that a student is required to study successfully to complete the requirements for obtaining a bachelor’s degree.And fromIts main elements:

1- Compulsory university requirementsAnd electives: These are the courses taught, all or some of them (compulsory). (Optional) allWho is affiliated with a university?Cordoba.

2- Compulsory college requirementsOptional: eYCourses taught in all (compulsory) or some (elective) by all students in all departments of the same college.

3- Specialization requirementsMandatory: eYCourses taught by members of the department exclusively from other departments.

It is the course the student is required to study As a basic condition for registering in another courseRelated to itAnd advancedIt is scientifically correct.

Two regular semesters (16 weeks) each,And separatedOptional summer (8 weeks).

The maximum number of hours allowed to be registered in one compulsory semester is (18 hours), while the minimum is (12 credit hours), and in the optional summer semester it ranges between (3-9 hours).

It is a percentage marking system that is divided during the semester into two parts: the first is the semester endeavor, which amounts to 50% and represents (first test + second test + work, activities, and jobs), while the second part represents 50% allocated for the final exam.

whenMissed 15% of the hours required to attend the courseEquivalent7.5 of the academic hours in the course for which the credit hours areThree hours for the student He will be forbiddenWhoever takes the final exam for this subject will be given a zero mark and given an estimateFA is a failure by absence, unless you provide an acceptable excuse from the Dean of the College or a medical excuse approved by the university clinic, in which case the student will be considered forcibly withdrawn from the course, and the course grade will not be included in the average, and a grade of W will be given.

The student getsat appreciation (F) Or fail unless he presents it to the Dean of the College or the President of the University within three days of the exam date with one of the following two excuses: A medical excuse approved by the university clinic, or a compelling excuse accepted by the dean or university president, so the course is counted as (incomplete) and the student has the right to take the final exam.During the first three weeksFrom the following semester.

It is modifiedStudent marksIn each semester (success and failure), it is calculated as follows: (the sum of the product multiplied by the number of credit hours for the subject × the number of points divided by the total credit hours and noYEnterinCalculating the semester average:

- Incomplete course markI:(The course will be incomplete if the student is absent from the final exam due to a compelling or medical excuse and the Dean of the College accepts this excuse).

-The sign of the compulsive withdrawn courseW: The rapporteur is considered to have forcibly withdrawn in the following cases:

  • The student is absent for more than the permitted period and submits a compelling or medical excuse accepted by the college dean.
  • The student withdraws from the course after the withdrawal and addition period and before the twelfth week Study after the approval of the Dean of the College.
  • Imposing a penalty of canceling the course due to the violation.

The grade points for all courses studied during all semesters, pass or fail, are multiplied by the number of credit hours for that course, and these multiplication products are summed andThenDivide the result by the number of total credit hours studied by the student in all semesters and round the cumulative average to two decimal places.

Care must be taken not toTThe course itself is considered in the student's cumulative GPA except once, and that is in caseTFailing and repeating.

when Hoss And For a student with a cumulative GPA of less than 60% in any regular semesterduringThe first years of study,(Except for the first chapter recorded in it)He will be issued an academic warning And it is granted Two semesters to raise the cumulative GPA to the required levelAndIf this average is not modified, the student will be subject to a remedial study (15A maximum of one hour under the supervision of an academic advisor) for a period of four semesters. In the event of failure to modify, one will be dismissed from the major.Note that the basic requirement for a student to graduate is:His cumulative average is 60% or moreAccording to decisionsMinistry of Higher Education in Syria.

It may be includedstudent's nameOn the university honor board if you obtained a semester average greater than or equal to 90%, and on the college honor board if you obtained a semester average greater than or equal to 80%, provided that you are registered for more than 15 credit hours in that semester.

After gettingOn a study postponement form from the Admissions and Registration Department,And approval On him whoThe Dean of the College agreed to postponeAnd obtain a clearanceFrom the finance, library and laboratory departmentsasA student can postpone four semesters during his studiesExcept for the first semester in which he joins the university.

It is a number that indicates the locationAnd college And the oath And the chapter And the yearWho started studyingIn which the student and the sequence Record it, and heWhich is recorded in the student card necessary to perform the servicesAnd registration And examsRelated to the university and consists offrom:










Number (1): Location: 1- Al-Qamishli 2- Aleppo

Number (2): College where 1- Engineering 2- Management 3- English4- Dentistry

Number (3): Department where 1- Computer Systems 2- Communications 3- Computer Science

administrationBusiness -E-Marketing- FinanceAnd banking

Number (4): The semester where: 1- The first 2- The second 3- The summer

The number (5-6): expresses the general (03-04)

The number (7-8-9) represents the student's sequence, where each new sequence beginsyear.

It is a process that allows the studentAccordinglyBy withdrawing and adding more than one course without violating the maximum and minimum registration limits. 
The process takes place only in the first week of the beginning of the semester without fines. This is done on a special form that the student obtains from the Admissions and Registration Department, and the process of withdrawing and adding is for Organizing student working hoursThe student must take into account the minimum and maximum limits for registration within this process.

1- He may withdraw courses only and without adding anything in the second and third weeks, and he will lose 25% of the financial dues for the withdrawn courses.

2- In the fourth and fifth weeks, he loses 50% of the financial dues for the courseswithdrawn.

In both cases, the student must take into account the minimum and maximum limits for registration.

3-losesIn the sixth to twelfth week, all dues for the withdrawn course are dueThe benefit of thisProcess onlyThe desire not to be countedCourse average in the semester and cumulative average.

There is no system based on academic years. Rather, the university system is a transition between levels, as each academic level consists of 33 credit hours, as shown..

theleveltheFirst upUp to the number ofmessengerat theAccredited/33/ credit hours thelevelthesecondWhen the number of credit hours is reached /66/credit hourAndlevelthe thirduntilUp to the number ofmessengerat theAccredited/99/credit hourAndleveltheFourth evenUp to the number ofmessengerat theAccredited/132/ credit hours AndleveltheFifth more than/132/One credit hour, and the student can shorten the study period and graduateIn fewer yearsIf he fulfills, studies and succeeds in all the required courses and credit hoursAccording to his specialtyThis is done by studying during the summer semesterAndWhich is equivalent to an approximate half of a regular semester in number of hours.